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Convert all vector objects in CorelDraw to curves in one click


The function allows you to convert all selected vector objects to curves in one click. Unlike the built-in CorelDRAW function, it allows you to convert in just one click, which is much more convenient as it is one of the most frequently used functions. It can be applied to any vector shapes and effects, such as: Text, Contour, Blend, Distortion, Shadow, Extrude and others.

Here are some examples:

1. Converting Text with Contour to curves

Converting Text with Contour to curves

2. Converting Text Along the Way to curves

Note that if the path line is invisible, it will be removed after conversion to curves.

Converting Text Along the Way to curves

3. Converting Artistic Media to curves

The path line is also invisible and will therefore be deleted.

Converting Artistic Media to curves

4. Convert a shape with Shadow Effect to curves

The shadow itself will be converted to a Bitmap Image

Convert a shape with Shadow Effect to curves

5. Converting a shape with the Extrude effect to curves

Converting a shape with the Extrude effect to curves

6. Convert shapes with Blend effect to curves

Here the way line remained as it was visible

Convert shapes with Blend effect to curves

The function works similarly with other vector images in CoreDRAW

You can also specify additional settings when converting to curves and, for example, you can remove the fill, the outline, or ungroup all shapes.

Settings when converting shapes to curves

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One One One One One One One One

Click Click Click Click

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